Races in Alaloth: Champions of the Four Kingdoms refer to one of the characteristics that make up the player character. Races affect the character's general appearance as well as certain attributes. Most races have defensive attributes that make them more or less effective against certain damage types. Each race also has a set of Legacy Houses and Deities that players can choose from, which further add depth to character development and may provide useful bonuses. There are a total of 4 Races that can be chosen during Character Creation and this characteristic cannot be changed later on.


All Races in Alaloth: Champions of the Four Kingdoms


humans banner races alaloth wiki guide

Racial Attributes:

  • None

The most versatile and adaptable kind of mortal in Plamen. The Human race used its ability to withstand physical and mental damage, as well as expand their ranks faster than the other races, to carve out a great kingdom. They are not masters of any particular aspect, nor are they susceptible to any particular malus, both allows them to make their own decision on who they will be.


elves banner races alaloth wiki guide

Racial Attributes:

  • +10 Magic Damage Reduction
  • -5% Poison Resistance
  • -5% Bleeding Resistance

Ancient creatures of the woods, worshippers of Jaiha and her children. The Elven races have been known for their unbroken bond with the world that surrounds them. While they are not the most physically capable of the races, they compensate with swiftness and grace alongside their acute magical abilities. Unfortunately their prowess in magic leaves them weaker against being bled by a blade or poisoned.


dwarves banner races alaloth wiki guide

Racial Attributes:

  • +10% Ice Resistance
  • -5% Fire Resistance
  • -10 Magic Damage Reduction

Raised on the freezing mountains of Karak-Hohn, the Dwarven race learned to adjust to the climate through the generations of building their halls inside the mountains. Their thick skin allows them to walk the cold passageways with ease which gives them a great tactical advantage in their home turf. Unfortunately, hotter climates and fire affects them much worse than the other races, and their reliance on their hands left them weaker against magic.


orcs banner races alaloth wiki guide

Racial Attributes:

  • +5% Poison Resistance
  • +5% Fire Resistance
  • -10% Ice Resistance

From childhood through adulthood, an orc suffers in his day-to-day while roaming the burning Desolation of Baga. The race always lived in harsh lands, but it wasn't until Baga that the Kingdom of the Orcs fell to disaster, and the heat overpowered the land, turning rich soil to an arid desert. But the Orcs would not fall to their knees, instead they learned to adapat to the unbearable scorching and poisonous land. Alas that left them vulnerable to the cold.


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